Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Morning, Stewart Glen

Two snowy egrets are a slash of beauty

in the heart of the lake in the heart of the glen.

They step—step--step, eyes nailing the depths.

Two white birds paint wavering echoes in the water.

Sun-turned morning glories sing back their glow,

swinging open to the potential of day on the shore.


Somewhere close, a little girl feels their beauty so hard,

she aches for something beyond language, wider than oxygen.


Egrets flex and extend the machinery of their legs,

prying the shallows for life that brings them life:

the fish, the frogs. The lake in the glen chimes with flowers

and birds and captures the slow faces of clouds.


The little girl inhales the breath of lake, plants, sun.

She lives in the body of an old woman.

Mud strokes her bare feet, cattails sway beneath dragonflies.

If only she could dwell inside this magic all the time.


For a few moments, the entire world rests

in perfect balance between itself and a forgotten child.


For a few moments, a melancholy girl with a heart too broken

to hold all her love inside becomes a white egret, asking for

nothing more than this wet moment in this very place.

In wonder, she spreads wide her wings.


Jennifer Pratt-Walter, ⓒ 2024

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Meditation at the Church of Earth

Begin at the highest summit and think downward.

Above: light to dark and back. Within you, your animal-sized land

and sea. Life moves in your body in sentient streams.


Thank each plant for the treasure of oxygen.  Feel

the gifts of plants in the yielding corners of your lungs.

Thank each animal for the lessons it teaches.

Remember wildness rocking in the soul of the tamed.

Ease your attention to the workings of your heart.

Red springs of life-force whip through your blood;

you recognize life as belonging to all who inherit its alchemy.

Invisible birds move in your body carrying in their beaks

strands of connection between all things that cannot be cut.


Your feet send movable roots into the ground everywhere you step.

Down through each layer of the planet, time’s signature speaks.

You enter the ultimate deepness in Earth’s core, the bass roar of magma

shifting like a fiery herd of mastodons.


You know yourself to be as fragile as a filament of silk.


Jennifer Pratt-Walter, © 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I Was Knowledge


I was knowledge


I was made


now resting

in the red apple of



I am an urn holding

the entire sea


waves are my thoughts

storming to be



again and again



I get it right


J. Pratt-Walter, © 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

before i go i want


before i go i want

to gaze at the garnet bodies

of wild strawberries so humble

     in the dirt


i want to bend my knees

onto the sweet sweet ground


i want to feel round redness

between my fingers

     soft as oxygen


i want to eat their simple humility

     and find it



j. pratt-walter. ⓒ 2024

Friday, March 29, 2024

The Usual News

It was the usual morning news gone cold

at the reading of it. In the glen the heron


still marches on bent-pencil legs as below,

cut-throat trout watches, dangerously near,


arching her mouth open and closed

with her story on the state of things.


The usual news is heard so often our ears

and eyes have gone cold to all the terror:


Why guns and bombs get made.

How guns and bombs unmake.


J. Pratt-Walter 3/29/2024

Photo by me, Long Beach Peninsula

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Standing on the Shoulders of Time

This is what we were created for, Crones!

Children grown, society and workplace duties

all behind us. Sterling wisdom—awake!

Our world needs us to stand tall as Sequoia, to remember

and strive for justice, to fight for critical change.

To heal.

Let us claim our wisdom, turn loose our Kraken-powers

against the assault of Mother Earth.   We all know

what is wrong.  Everything we do matters.


Raise our collective voices!  Come Crones and Spinsters,

come Grandmothers and Hags!  This is our moment,

this is our planet: caring together with purpose.

The shoulders of time are calling us to stand upon their height--

This is what we were made for, Sisters!

J. Pratt-Walter, ©  2024 

Photo by JPW, Pride Parade

Monday, February 19, 2024

The Love of a Dog

May you sleep the sleep of my old dog,

soft, yielding and unquestioning.


May peace sift through your body

like a whisper, riding on the white fur

of a dog's love.


May you receive the adoration

you need, the saintly love of canines,

unceasing:  forward, backward and right now,


ready to guide you through the Mystery

and all the joy and grief dogs already understand 

in every snuffle in their body.


J. Pratt-Walter, 2/16/2024