Saturday, April 14, 2012

This Old Dog ~~~ Day 14 of NaPoWriMo

Life lies lightly in the body
of this old dog--

The hard work of being old
burdens step and sleep.

She is shrinking, giving herself back
bit by bit, distilled to sharper bones,
loyalty and a bark her ears no longer hear.

I eye the ground, home.
Someday I will have to bury her,
loyalty and all:
Give her back.

J. Pratt-Walter, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

vortex ~~~ NaPoWriMo

In the center of the center,
in a vortex of light
and purple scent,

where magic is born
and passionately sent,

sighs the heart of the Iris,
longing, longing for the night.
Sorcery of love: it shall be spent.

J. Pratt-Walter, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Music ~~~Day 8 of NaPoWriMo

Music teaches me
   to listen,
but silence teaches me
   to hear.

J. Pratt-Walter, 2012

Silence ~~~~ Day 8 of NaPoWriMo

I couldn't think of a good name for this short piece:

Music teaches me
   to hear,
but silence teaches me
   to listen.

J. Pratt-Walter, 2012

Day 7, NaPoWriMo

The pen of God writes
me fresh each day with words and
a sure sense of humor.

J. Pratt-Walter, 2012

Tunnel Vision ~~~ Day 7 of NaPoWriMo 2012

YOU are the light
waiting at the end
of your own tunnel.

J. Pratt-Walter, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Heart Gate ~~~ Day six of NaPoWriMo

Locked in cobweb and rust
lies that faraway gate,
door to an unstill heart.
Why does it hurt so to open?
Split the lock,
unhinge the hardware,
push it gloriously ajar--

Face the things that closed
preciously hopeful You:
Not being The Beloved
can still hurt beyond reckon.
Do doors, like velvet buds,
long to unspiral open?

J. Pratt-Walter

Any War, In the Kitchen or Abroad ~~~ Day five of NaPoWriMo

I watch anger incarnate, hard
as machine,
my words with gills for lungs
left gasping on sand.
They fight with tools
of our mortality while 
I breathe rain to extinguish
smoldering homefire hate.

My sadness windows out
needles of glass  first--
why can't species-us,
brilliant us
stop the fighting?
Bend low, take cover,
gather glass.

J. Pratt-Walter

That Poet:: to William Stafford. ~~~Day five of NaPoWriMo

William Stafford
is my drug of choice,
though I may need to double 
my dose.  His is a medicine
to combat war, wipe it right out,
him an entire army,
a regiment of one,
honest as the moon,

Stafford, you are
one hell of a doctor
of conscience.

J. Pratt-Walter

It Might Be Easter ~~~Day four of NaPoWriMo.

Sunrise whisks darkness
from the beckoning sky--
We sip bliss from
fresh daffodil cups,
reach out, pick up all the notes
of morning birdsong
gleaming like beads in the lilacs,
strewn in the dewy grass.
String them into
a chain of musical welcomes
to an Anything-Is Possible morning.

J. Pratt-Walter

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tides of Flight ~~~ Day three of NaPoWriMo

She is the kind of sky
birds love to climb,

the kind that pushes
lovers together
without margins,

skins transformed to
feathery promise--
tides of flight.

J. Pratt-Walter, (c) 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Waltz ~~~ April 2nd, NaPoWriMo

Love can be too
thick, too deep to carry--
let it waltz us along instead
in a dance so powerful
a child could be conceived
right through
the air.

J. Pratt-Walter, (c) 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rift, New Mexico. Day 1 of NaPoWriMo 2012

She’s trying to stand upright
as wind pushes her down
and back and back--
She is the rock El Morro,
she is the mesa Walpi,
falling upward to a sky too blue to believe.

Wind takes her over an impossible edge
into the box canyon of the Ancestors,
face cutting the wind
at first…

She is bird tracks filling with sand,
the wind’s toy,

She is the empty clam shell
deaf to all the people-voices
stolen by arrogant winds from
a rift in sky.

J. Pratt-Walter, (c) 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fear No Poetry greets the 2012 NaPoWriMo challenge.

NaPoWriMo entry #1:
OK, it's one day early--I couldn't help myself!

I don't mind eating
my words.
They are dark chocolate
and cardamom,
old scotch
and a fresh peach.

JPW,  (c) 3/31/2012