Everywhere they instruct you on who to hate.
Believe it! It’s our government! It’s for your own good!
Fingers point as hate battles your thoughts.
Brown people, Moslems, Jews are taking your rights away!
Queer people, Mexicans, Liberals are stealing your jobs!
Sick people, immigrants, the poor are eating your food!
Journalists who tell real news, women who expect
autonomy over their body parts – hate hate hate!
They can’t stop vomiting up their hatred all over you.
Fear and loathing grin from every corner.
Then they plant assault rifles in your town, crowing
“You Second Amendment people can take care of this”
and “I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still…”
Suddenly people are wearing bold red targets
on their heads as ravenous hate bathes roads, ditches,
schools and churches in easy greasy red.
There are crosshairs looking for you next.
J. Pratt-Walter, © 2019