Monday, December 28, 2020

Should Auld Acquaintance

 I wear my Auld Lang Syne everywhere.

 It lives beneath the boat frame

of my ribs, a secret starfish,

mining the sea of my blood

for boundless light and love.


I still hear you, Beloved, across all

the breakneck years, all the miles…


Will we ever come through this?

Will we hang on by bloody fingernails of poetry

and a fence of our fierce songs?

We must.


We will temper the world’s sadness and fear

with this, our auld acquaintance,

not forgot.


J. Pratt-Walter, © 12/27/2020

Monday, December 14, 2020

In the Arms of the Deep

     We are the secret radical hopers

gathering dreams in our nets and letting them go

in the same liminal moment.


Our ship has rudder and sails

but they are useless when the sea is stacked

so tall against us.  Still, we must move on.


Love comes in with the tide

but we, the explorers, cannot predict when

or from where it flows, not by moon-clock,

not by the hidden language of our bodies or stars,


but by its own curious compulsions.

Sometimes we are lifted light as foam on

the crest of life.  Sometimes we are night’s own anchor.

Sometimes we are lost at sea, praying like a jellyfish on the strand,

crying out for saltwater solace in the arms of the deep.


J. Pratt-Walter, (c) 2020