Thursday, September 30, 2021


The effervescent day

I met you was like my

fingers meeting my thumb

on the same hand

for the very first


time, and bending close

in a pantheon of sparks,

touching into a circle

of infinite marvels and


all possibilities unburied

by shaking out shadows

and finding them to be light.

 J. Pratt-Walter, © 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

The All-Miracle Church of Earth

 In our curve of time the framework of Love

is still being dreamt open –

Love seeps and strokes into the wounds of the spirit

like silk blessing the first leaf born of the first bud,

unrolled atop the first root, enshrined from the first Source.


Beloved ones precious as air lace our seconds and days together,

a vivid shawl sewn in the cadence of our kaleidoscope souls.


The slow streams preach their smooth water-truths,

the snow is its refrain: “Shhh love now, shhh love often”

they whisper to us like salamanders in the shape-shift moments.


Love weaves through the gills of our being

alive together on this All-Miracle Church of Earth,

of everything hallowed, brokenly true,

of all things Yes, igniting us while capturing fallen sparks

chimed from the ecstatic tongues of stars.


 J. Pratt-Walter, © 2021